Feelings: Digging a little deeper

We all do have the same emotion of FEELINGS, meaning we all can feel happiness, Sadness, Loved, Cared, Isolated, Believed, Laughed at, Understood….ok! And it just does not end.

So what does digging a little deeper mean? Lets try and break it together. Is emotion something that can be discussed or tampered with over a coffee? Can it just be something that can be formulated in a meet’s time? Naaaa… What do you actually thrive for is the ultimate satisfaction of your heart when you are with someone. You find Happiness. You can find that in anyone be it your family, friend or companion.

How does it begin? Attachment; which is firmly related to feelings and subsequently related to emotions, as that effects to be the first step of being connected to someone. The first look, the first conversation, the first hug. Its like everything that you have always ever wanted can be a part of your life if you just stop being something that is trending and be something that you actually thrive for to receive at the end or else you will be left with Sadness and regrets for the rest of your life.

Take a day out and decide what you want and stick to it. I know you would not get it immediately and it will take a hell lot of a time but once you do you will know you were true to yourself to get it. You will know what it means to Be Loved.

Just a day, I don’t think it should be too much as;

if you only do what you can do you will never be more than who you are.

Half of your worries are already dealt if you follow this principle. We always tend to be something we are not which ultimately affects how we think (Basically its your brain that comes into the picture than your heart) and things get practical.

Its not a relationship advice that helps as we are sure we are capable enough to deal with it on our end but think over it has it ever happened that you have screamed.

‘Inner peace, Inner peace, Inner peace’ for long but at the end you just ended up being more frustrated than calm.

Basically felt less Cared for when actually required?

We as humans tend to believe that a feeling is something that can be dealt with when the time comes but we somewhere know internally that we wont be capable of handling it and when we have to face it we would just give up and prefer being Isolated.


  1. We are scared that we wont be able to cope up with it consequences (Good or bad)
  2. We think what we do is going to be the best for our future (Immaterial of thinking it through)
  3. Our emotions overcome us so badly that we fail to believe in it (Primarily get scared of how strong our feelings are)

I don’t think emotion ends with loving someone, it even means fighting for it and Believing in it when you have problems, when you know your at the end of it. We only get to the bottom of it when you strive to make it your own, why not actually continue endeavouring it when you are at the cliff of a mountain, hanging; You can either leave your hands and get away with it; or actually pull yourself up with all the effort so that you can just Laugh and later say “Yes I finally made it”. We have forgotten to aspire for our Feelings the way we aspire for our Education, Work and Career. Why is it that we let it go because it adds on to you as a baggage?

Its a feeling you should be happy about, it’s a baggage you have chosen to carry, hike, camp and live happily ever after at the topmost peak of relationship then why not use it as an auxiliary to boost it than think of it as a baggage? Lets not do that firstly, I know its extremely impossible to deal with but lets not do that. Think of ‘Why you started to date someone at the first place’ and you will know the motivation to work on it.

There were times when choosing the easiest way possible was an option because you know that someday that thing is going to come back to you but now you just don’t know what’s gonna get that emotion back. Is it just by singing a favourite song or by pulling back old threads.

According to me If I think over it, the basic problem lacks in how we begin with it, we already let all the sweetness of a relationship go down the tube before it actually matures, we lose the charm of it by being too close too early. The whole concept of feeling is the journey of them unravelling when you are with someone you love. The habits of walking right until the kind of food you prefer, the crucial notion of knowing someone eternally is lost somewhere.

Even if you believe ‘getting to know someone from very early days helps you at the later stages of your life’ but I think that it just becomes predictable. The reacting feeling is what you are aware off and at the end it just becomes monotonous.

I understand the whole concept of “Rolling with the tides on your risk is most convenient one; as there is no one to blame if you die and no one to cherish it with if you live” but that is what slowly kills the person inside you.

I always presumed the small world that we individuals have created inside our minds is this perfect place, where everyone muddled through successfully and that they could be and have what they have always wanted to; apparently real life is a little more convoluted than a ‘slogan on a bumper sticker’.

Real life is messy, we all have our constrains, we all make mistakes which means ‘Glass half empty, we all have a lot in common’. Subsequently, the more we try to Understand each other the more exceptional we will be one day, I know its complicated but we have to try.

Remember that moment when some experience fractured your soul so bad that you could not even think of taking another breath? Yes, that is exactly what I mean.

Conclusively, your inner-self planning will always be hampered and will make you believe what you do will not yield anything but just remember that your heart already knows where you are destined to be, so just listen to it and follow blindly.

“As there is no greater direction to your life than where your heart tells you to go”

So no matter what type of a person you are: one with the biggest ego, to the timidest of all or just a human, I implore you to try. Try to make your world a better place.

So..look inside yourself and realise that change starts with u, with me; it starts with all of us.


1. If you have just started to date someone

2. Having issues with your current relationship, reboot it; ‘its like reading your favourite book all over again’