your past your future

There have always been a case wherein the base of human foundation is not sure of what it is. People always ask this question “Where have we come from and where would we go”.

It is always going to be a question for now but according to me it is your FAMILY that perfectly determines you to a greater extent: the nucleus of what you are made off and your designated destination as to where you would be going. When you were born, you found a path to this world with an identity of your surname. You live with it for your whole life with grace and pride for many reasons.

It has a history, a legacy that requires a constant growth of reputation. Something that is only acquired with time.

For the first few years of our lives, we are trained in a particular way to get things aligned, for our present and also for our whole life. We have a very subtle understanding of what we are doing if its right and solving puzzles for which we need guidance from someone who has been through that.

Mannerism is taught, discipline in inculcated.

These things help us become the person we ought to be.

FAMILY is one relationship which does not believe in trading emotions, it just comes naturally in the environment of our biological ones. We all have our flaws as we are different beings who are trying to cope up with the same environment everyday but the DNA does smoothen things up.

The idea of this article is not to just describe what family life is but to shed a light on how the pillar members of the family makes a house worth breathing for everyday. This does not necessarily mean your parents. It can even be your siblings but a whole support system of a family works on two major poles, your mom and your dad. One earns and one feeds, simple right? Now lets look at this objectively.

As parents their soul intentions is not to step down from the responsibilities that they have been designated to do but as humans they do not owe you anything, they are just two beings bond in the circle of their creations that make them what they are today for their kids.


We in the 21st century era take family as something that is bound to do things for us (which until a certain point of time makes sense) but then what about those instances wherein the parent do not take care of their child, how would he/she should turn out to be? We even have world instances that cant deny this fact.

Over the years, the concept of family to cohabitate, have babies is somewhat the whole point the human existence. FAMILY is where we co-exist. Regrettably we have lost the balance and the meaning of it that makes our parents different from the universe.

We are always known for the people we are tied up with BUT our kids would also be known for the work we do (which is always an option for us as to how we can perceive it), isnt it?


In simple terms:

“A person who earns his bread, makes enough for it to be served it to his family (Nuclear or Joint)”

To know in depth, a boy who becomes a man for the person that he wants to be, known for and admired. For him the term ‘family’ begins at a very early stage when he starts saving right from his first job knowing he has to get married eventually. Once married, has to save up for his unborn child, their education, marriage and eventually see them settle.

Did you notice in this whole process if his maximum expense is going in the formulation of his family and their future; does he have enough to save for his dreams?

At times YES….but mostly NO

Where would a person find the motivation to let all this go behind hm if he does not have his family that supports him or motivates him for his personal future? To give something like this up is an extremely painful procedure but fortunately as a man you train yourself pretty early to absorb and live with it.

Take the instance of………MOTHER:

Someone who can not only be the backbone of holding everything together but can even change it when required for its profitability but ALWAYS chooses not to (be it any condition). A girl understand being a mother much earlier than knowing how to become a women.

A world in general has the perfect idea and affection for the term “Mother” which we are glad to see but as you are aware a lot goes into being a mother.

Ambitions, desires, wants (ADW): all these factors that were the most important a few years ago suddenly become secondary to the terms of Child, Husband and House (CHH). Yes its true again that if you leave something; you surely get something back (as a trade deficit is not an option in humans) to compensate. As humans, we cannot believe sacrifices like ADW’s to be done permanently or atleast to such an extent where it does not become our primary goal.

Stuck between the reality and her personal (with secret affections towards her career), the things just look vivd for anybody seeing it from a distance. It is so perceptible that anyone with a keen sense of understanding can know that there is more to this story but we choose to ignore the fact because we somehow perceive a women as someone who is responsible to take care of the house but forget that it is also another human who is just making sacrifices as you are.

The importance of a family is loosing its worth, just a trend of living together for as much as we can is living past the generations with realities.

Evidently, after we as kids turn 18; start believing that the world is a perfect place for us to survive on our own and that we are independent now. The only thing to survive right now is the money that we may earn (as we think we are capable). Due to this after a certain age, a father just becomes a source of income and a mother becomes a source of food.

As we grow, we as teenagers/early adults should be diligent enough to realise that our responsibilities towards our parents grow equally, to an extent that we become the care-takers and they become our dependents. Some humans are scared of the sudden shift which they cant handle and it all goes in turmoil which its quiet natural; how you start to take things in your hands and make it work is what counts.

Somewhere that is the secret of a successfully ‘Happy Family’.

Our problems are sure the ones that are either fabricated by someone in our family, friends, our relatives or maybe even us (peculiar but true), growing up teaches us a very good thing of digesting as much as hardships as we can and propitiously as per nature’s rule we get only what we deserve.

We always tend to pour all our thoughts on them, even the one’s which are temporary for you but what you don’t realise is those similar thoughts might make them persistently thinking “why is my child going through this”…yes your parents are your best friends and should know everything but they too deserve a break, don’t they? (Ask yourself)

Our future revolves around these people, if not physically…their good teachings, their styles, their eating habits and most of all their Deoxyribonucleic acid attached to yours. Whether you like it or not it will always be as they define our past and future.

Subsequently, our ideas would define the future for our generation and if unreliability is the only thing that travels from successors to successors we may not have a concept of family in the coming years.

Scenarios For Real Life:

  1. Be with your family mmebers for something that they are truly scared off (say injections, morning run/drive, swimming etc)
  2. Always assert yourself before you raise your voice in front of them (Unless its for their betterment)
  3. Try and do something really good and constructive for your parents atleast once a month and see yourself growing and feeling happier.